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We assess your needs and outline a plan to take your job search or career switch to the next level. Then we roll up our sleeves and get to work. The grind of job applications, the thoroughness required, the industry expertise that's so critical... this is our wheelhouse. We will do your resume, cover letter, Linkedin profile, and full interview prep. Our work has helped many a candidate land their dream jobs.

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Everyone has templates but do they have templates for your industry? An investment banking resume is not the same as a consulting resume. And should we even write the traditional cover letter for tech firms? It depends... and the style is different. Too many candidates fail for the very simple reason that they're not playing by a particular industry's norms & standards.

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Our Youtube channel is our most famous offering thanks to the origin story of Founder, Hira Fernando, making videos on the fly for her students during a snowstorm. Here we are 38K subscribers and 4.6 million views later! Check out the hundreds of testimonials of fans saying "I binge-watched your videos and got the job!"

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“Careely在金融方面为我提供了很多帮助,特别是在我感兴趣的资产管理和项目金融方面。我与两位出色的人士谈话,他们都是高级管理的专家,其中一位是美国最大的资产管理公司之一的产品负责人。第一位,在一家知名的精品企业工作,我们谈话之后,他用他个人的关系将我的简历推荐给人力资源部门。另外一位(在首都华盛顿工作的),他下班后,花了两个小时与我面对面的谈话。我们的谈话非常的好,并且她提供给我很多有价值而且非常具体的行业信息。随后,我有机会分别在华盛顿和马尼拉的亚洲开发银行与国际金融公司(世界银行集团的一部分)得到两次实习机会。尽管我试图在两个国家进行两个不同的实习的棘手的情况,与此同时还是要继续我的学业,以便能及时回到秋季学期,Careerly 的支持是一直都与我同在的。”

Michelle Li,MBA专业
毕业于McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University

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